D.R.U.G.S., which stands for Destroy Rebuild Until God Shows, is an American rock band formed by Craig Owens after leaving Chiodos. The group's lineup includes Matt Good from From First to Last on guitar, Nick Martin of Underminded also playing guitars, Aaron Stern formerly with Matchbook Romance as their drummer, Adam Russell previously part of Story Of The Year handling bass duties, and finally vocalist Craig Owen himself who was once lead singer at Chiodos before joining this new project. Their debut album "Destroy Rebuild" came out back in early March 2011 through Decaydence Records & Warner Bros.. This record features songs like My Swagger Has A First Name (It’s M-O-N-E-Y), Laminated E.T Animal Carcasses among others that showcase both heavy metal riffs along side melodic choruses making it quite unique sounding compared other bands within its genre. In addition they have toured extensively across North America performing alongside acts such as Black Veil Brides or Asking Alexandria while promoting themselves further amongst fans worldwide via social media platforms too!